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- # By Andrew Campbell 1993
- Sam nervously raised his hand in the air.
- Miss Cookson stopped mid-sentence. "What is it Samuel Peters?"
- The entire class of thirty mixed ten-year-olds suddenly whooshed
- around in their seats and glared accusingly at Sam, whose face was
- quickly reddening with embarassment.
- He slowly drooped his arm down, then bowed his head like a sinning
- puppy.
- "Pardon me miss, but I need to go to the bathroom." he said softly.
- There was an annoying pause during which several kids giggled.
- Sam glanced at Susie Wentworth, the blonde girl with the Incredible
- Legs who had, for some reason, chosen to sit beside him today. She was
- grinning at him like a Cheshire Cat.
- Hey, if he could impress Susie Wentworth, he could do ANYTHING.
- "Alright Sammy," said Miss Cookson. "You are excused."
- Sam leaped from his desk, taking the effort to glance at Susie again.
- Her smile had developed into a cute grin and Sam abruptly decided that
- his already enormous crush on her had increased to epic proportions.
- Miss Cookson didn't resume teaching until Sam had tiptoed out of the
- room and closed the door. Then, her muffled voice droned on about
- "vowels" and various other unexciting complexities that Sam knew he
- could quite easily do without.
- He turned from the classroom door and began to skip down the chilly
- corridors towards the boy's toilets, raking his fingers along the walls
- and radiators as he progressed.
- Exactly fifty three footsteps later, he spotted the shape of the man
- above the blue door to the bathroom... and giggled feverishly.
- With a permanent black marker-pen, someone had drawn a massive penis
- (complete with hairs) on the symbol between the man's legs. Sam beamed
- at the amusing piece of art and collided heavily with the door. He
- banged his head and bruised his shoulder.
- Startled, he tried again.
- It was locked.
- "Oh, come on!" he wailed and clutched his pants desperately.
- He kicked the door hard and then punched it. It rattled furiously in
- it's frame and the noise echoed down the corridor, but his situation
- didn't change: he was still bursting for a pee and the bog was locked.
- Then out of the corner of his right eye, Sam saw an another little
- black figure, identical in every way to the one above the door to the
- boys toilets... except this one was wearing a SKIRT.
- Sam chewed his bottom lip thoughtfully.
- He couldn't risk it. But then again, he couldn't go back to Miss
- Cookson's lesson with out depositing his waste. There was at least a
- whole HOUR to go before Home Time and he just couldn't hold on that
- long.
- Conspiciously swinging his head left and right, Sam sneaked across to
- the identically painted door of the girl's toilets and paused, staring
- at the symbol above his head.
- Then he opened the door and stepped inside.
- It was pleasantly cool and there was a weak aroma of chlorine hanging
- pungently in the air. The whole room was silent and peaceful; a welcome
- relief from the tension of Miss Cookson's class.
- It was built in a crude L-shape. The shortest side was decorated with
- a row of spotless rectangular mirrors, a line of white sinks and a
- paper-towel despenser. Across the longer side was a row of five
- cubicles.
- The first cubicle's door was closed and locked.
- # A girl was inside it.
- Treading lightly over the slippery tiles on the floor, Sam moved
- along to the fifth door and gently eased it open. He stepped inside
- and closed up. There was a lock, thank God. He secured it and sighed
- with relief.
- His mission was one third complete. Now, he had to release his cargo
- as fast and as quietly as possible, then escape from the enemy nest
- without being seen.
- There was a soft ruffling sound. It was coming from the first toilet.
- The occupied one.
- Boris Chalmers, one of Sam's best friends, had once told him that
- girls peed out of their backsides because they didn't have penises. Sam
- found this utterly incredible, but he believed it because BORIS had
- said it and Boris knew EVERYTHING.
- Sam couldn't help himself. He shakily knelt down onto the cold, damp
- floor, momentarily forgetting about his aching bladder, and peered
- through the nine-inch gap under the wall of the cubicle. He could see
- all the way down through four toilets to the first. There, his
- sparkling eyes focused upon two shoes with a pair of frilly pink
- knickers flopped between them.
- Sam jerked back and placed his hand over his mouth.
- The girl reached down to pick her underpants up. Sam closed his eyes,
- praying that she wouldn't glance across and see him.
- Her knickers had gone when he looked again and her feet were shuffling
- around like a pair of stringed puppets. She flushed the toilet and
- unfastened the lock, then washed her hands at one of the sinks before
- exiting the bathroom.
- His confidence restored, Sam scrambled noisily to his feet. He took a
- momentary breather and then unzipped his fly.
- He started to pee instantly in huge, thick bursts. He aimed carefully
- as not to spill any evidence (he wasn't sure whether girl's pee
- differed in colour from boy's pee, but he wasn't taking any risks).
- Then, he heard a few kids chatting outside over the noise of his
- urination, so aimed for the side of the bowl to ease the racket and
- listened intensely.
- "...school at four o'clock, so...." some woman teacher was saying. It
- sounded like the girls' Physical Education teacher, Miss Kendal; the
- one with the impossibly huge boobs that bounced like over-filled water-
- bombs when she ran.
- "...make sure you've all been to the toilet, ladies..."
- Sam was so startled, he briefly stopped peeing with shock. Then, he
- forced the last bit out in a rush, his heart slamming against his ribs.
- The bathroom door opened and an entire flock of laughing and shouting
- girls flooded their way inside.
- On his third attempt, Sam fastened up his pants.
- Knowing he had little time, he lowered the toilet seat, parked his
- behind, and bowed his head. He hadn't been to the barbers for a while,
- so maybe (just maybe) he could fool them into thinking he was a girl.
- He didn't think his chances of escaping the situation were very high,
- but he prefered the idea of hiding as opposed to rushing out of the
- bathroom with his face the colour of strawberries.
- The fourth toilet was argued over and a loud, foul-mouthed girl won
- the right to it's possession. Sam heard someone bang on the door of his
- cubicle and he jumped with fright.
- "Hurry up in there!" a girl shouted.
- "We're in a rush, so get out!" another impatient call.
- Sam bowed his head down further, closing his eyes and sweating with
- tension. He didn't dare look up in case one of them happened to be
- peeping under the door, or over the top of the neighbouring cubicle.
- Outside, the girls clattered and banged some more.
- "Come on... Whatcha doin' in there? Snoggin' with a boy?"
- A flutter of hysterical giggles echoed around the room. The first girl
- finished and a single cubicle was freed. There was a shuffle of anxious
- feet an outburst of loud, screaming chatter, and then the recognisable
- clash of another lock being triggered.
- "Hurry up ladies!" the teacher called distantly.
- "Yes miss!" the girls replied in perfect chorus.
- "God what's she doin' in there?" another one hissed outside Sam's
- door.
- Sam felt his back wash over with hot, itchy sweat. He closed his eyes
- tightly and tried to imagine that he was sat watching TV at home on
- the couch with a bottle of chilled coke. But no matter how hard he
- concentrated, he always ended up chained to a wall in a dark dungeon
- with a gang of giggling girls eagerly trying to wrench off his
- trousers.
- The screaming and the chatter slowly died away as the room became less
- crowded, and Sam, his skin itching with sweat, could hardly believe it
- when every single girl had gone.
- He skidded down onto his knees again and peered under the gap beneath
- the wall at the four visible U-bends; no feet. No frilly knickers.
- A few taps were dripping and the noise of a recently flushed toilet
- had not yet subsided but apart from those unthreatening annoyancies,
- the room was completely safe.
- Sam breathed out for what seemed to be the first time in ages. He
- unlocked the door and swung it open, then peeped his head around the
- corner to check if he had missed anyone.
- The entire room was empty.
- He hurried to the door, then paused for a moment, wondering whether he
- should make the effort to wash his hands.
- 'You never know what you might catch from a girl,' Boris Chalmers had
- once cautioned him. 'If you ever touch one Sammy, make sure you wash
- your hands as soon as you can. They carry all kindsa weird diseases.'
- Well, he'd have to risk it.
- He grabbed the handle and pulled. The door didn't open. He yanked,
- pushed and twisted at it as hard as he could, but it remained firmly
- closed.
- # Someone had locked it.
- Sam started to get frightened. If he was trapped on his own in the
- girls toilets then surely he was bound to catch their contageous
- disease.
- He tried the door again. Surely no one had locked it at this time of-
- A loud, eerie hissing sound broke off his thoughts.
- He listened sharply with his head cocked on one side, looking like a
- dog that had just heard its name called. The hissing sound was coming
- from one of those cubicles - one of those completely EMPTY cubicles.
- 'They are empty arn't they, Sam?' said Boris inside Sam's head.
- 'STOP IT!' Sam ordered himself. 'You're just making up monsters. It
- happens when you get scared; you make up creatures and things, but
- really there is no such thing as the...'
- The what? Bog Monster?
- "Bog Monster." Sam said softly, wanting to laugh but not quite finding
- enough humour in his feeble, whispery voice. He knew that a lot of
- people did think such nasties existed down in the sewers and the pipes
- and stuff but-
- Sam heard the hissing sound again.
- It sounded to be coming from cubicle four; a noise rather like that of
- hot steam emmiting from the valves of an old railway engine.
- # Ssssssshhhhh...
- Boris Chalmers suddenly spoke up again:
- 'Once I was sat on the crapper in the bogs at school and I heard this
- really weird hissin' sound. Like a slow fart. You dig? Sssshhhhh, like
- that, all slow. I tell ya it sounded like real breathin' and I got the
- piggin' hell out of that toilet as fast as I could. When I got home, it
- looked like I'd driven a sixteen-wheeler with muddy tires through my
- piggin' underpants...'
- Boris had been lucky. He'd been in the boys toilets and his escape
- route had been clear.
- No teacher had secured him inside, preventing his escape.
- 'Perhaps the Thing locked the door?' Sam wondered fearfully. 'Perhaps
- the Bog Monster made the latch fasten. Maybe it's rearing up right now
- out of the U-bend in cubicle four...'
- What was he to do? Scream and bang on the door and pray that a passing
- teacher would hear him? He didn't like the thought of being plucked out
- of the girls toilets by his prick, but it was bound to be much less
- painful than being eaten alive by the Bog Monster.
- He heard the noise again. This time it spoke his name.
- # Sssssssaaaaaaaammmmmmmmiiiiieeeeee...
- Sobbing with fright, Sam back-stepped towards the door, keeping his
- blurry eyes on the corner of the first cubicle.
- Oh God; he had no where to run.
- The hissing sound repeated itself. This time it was as loud as a
- passing steam locomotive.
- Sam's gaze averted to one of the rectangular wall-mounted mirrors. The
- closest one. The one that reflected all five of the half-open toilet
- cubicles.
- There, stood outside the fourth, was something big and green and with
- arms as long as tree-trunks.
- Sam's eyes darted from the mirror.
- "Mummy!" he whispered, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Oh Mummy..."
- He didn't want to look back into the mirror. He didn't want to know
- what the Bog Monster looked like because he was petrified of it. His
- hair was standing completely on end and he was wheezing like an
- asthmatic.
- With a huge gasp, he turned around and crashed his fists onto the
- He paused to swallow a hot frog in his throat. During the brief moment
- of quiet, he heard someone jangling keys outside. Then, to his
- amazement, a key was actually inserted into the lock and the latch
- turned.
- The door swung inwards and Sam staggered away to allow his rescuer
- space to enter.
- Sobbing, he edged against the wall and risked a very quick glance at
- the mirror to see if the Bog Monster had made any further progress.
- There was no monster anymore, but the door of the fourth cubicle was
- slowly closing.
- Someone stepped inside the room and Sam turned his head, expecting to
- see the fuming face of a demonic teacher snarling at him.
- It wasn't a teacher.
- It was Susie Wentworth.
- "Sam!" gasped Susie dramatically. "Whatchoo doin' in here?"
- Before he could answer, she quickly closed the door and pressed her
- back to it, preventing him from running away. Her eyes were huge and
- she had crossed her hands over her chest with shock.
- To Sam, Susie was the most beautiful thing on two legs. Even in the
- strange, exaggerated light of the bathroom she looked quite amazing.
- Her hair was a fountain of gold that spilled down over her shoulders
- and framed her dark, narrow face. She had deep blue eyes that Sam found
- captivating, but above all, she had the one and only pair of Incredible
- Legs, most of which he could see right now. Susie always wore short
- skirts, one of the primary reasons for Sam's gargantuan crush on her.
- "Miss Cookson's gonna freak!" she whispered. In one of her hands she
- clutched a bunch of keys. Sam thought she looked very grown-up and he
- quickly decided to pretend that the Bog Monster didn't exist.
- "The boy's toilets were locked." he said, trying to keep his eyes off
- those attention-grabbing legs. "I was desperate. You won't tell on me,
- will you?"
- "I wouldn't do that." Susie said and began to entwine the silvery keys
- amongst her fingers. She crossed her legs and tilted her head at Sam,
- who was deeply lost in his fantasies. She tutted at him and said,
- "Well, aren'tcha going then? Or do you want to watch me have a pee?"
- At first, Sam thought she was seriously making him an offer and was
- tempted to book in for the show, but then he tagged on to her sarcasm
- and shrugged. "I guess I'm going."
- She slid away from the door and said, "Okay then."
- Sam stepped forwards nervously.
- Susie whispered, "Wait for me outside."
- Sam gulped. "Huh? What for?" He blinked at her legs then quickly
- corrected himself. "I mean, sure. I'll wait."
- "Good." Susie said and smiled. Then, she walked past him and paced
- down the row of cubicles, glancing into each one (obviously searching
- for the cleanest, Sam thought logically).
- He watched her carefully and for the first time his mind wasn't at
- all concerned with her legs. He secretly hoped and prayed that she
- wouldn't choose go into cubicle four... but she did.
- She stepped right in, then poked her head around the corner at Sam and
- said, "You oughta go out, Sam. S'not that I'm bothered, but if Miss
- Cookson catches you..."
- Sam nodded quickly. "Uhuh. I'm goin' now."
- Susie waited for him to leave the room, then closed the door of the
- cubicle and wiped her nose. A few seconds later, she was humming softly
- as she urinated into the toilet, giggling to herself now and then as
- she recalled Sam's cute, tomato-red face.
- # Sssshhhhhhhh....
- Susie made herself stop peeing and listened sharply.
- # Ssssssssshhhhhhhhhhh...
- It was a soft, hissing noise and it was close.
- Her first assumption was that it was Sam playing a trick on her
- because she had teased him a bit. She even uttered a small moan that
- meant "Ha-ha, very funny" but that moan was cut short.
- # Suuuuuussssssiieeeeeeeeeee....
- Susie felt a cold shiver run down her spine. She squirted out the last
- of her pee hurriedly and then stood up from the seat... but something
- had caught onto her skirt and she fell back down again.
- 'It's Sam! He's playing a game! He's teasin' you!' She thought.
- "Get off me!" Susie said and laughed a little. "You'll get-UH!"
- She was jerked back, and her bottom sank almost all the way down into
- the water at the bottom of the toilet. She scrambled back up, not
- laughing at all now.
- She was hurting a lot and she was very scared.
- "I don't like thiiis!" she wailed. "Don't hurt me Sam! I didn't mean
- it! You can watch me pee! Just don't do thiiiiiis-"
- Susie screamed. Her bare bottom made contact with the chilly water/
- urine in the bottom of the toilet and her spine dug into the rim.
- "Heeeelp meeee!" she yelled, hands squealing along the edge of the
- moist toilet, searching for a suitable grip.
- But there was nothing. The thing, whatever had caught onto her skirt,
- was wrenching her down the loo, pulling her further and further down
- towards that U-bend, that thick, stinking pipe that led deep into the
- eternal sewers.
- As Susie folded inwards like a human deck-chair, Sam crawled under the
- narrow gap beneath the wall that separated Susie's cubicle from the
- third one. He dragged himself up, hands skidding on wet tiles.
- He was through the gap by less than a metre when he saw her feet, now
- well off the ground, dangling helplessly in the air. He reached out,
- grabbed her shoe, slipped, caught it again, lost it altogether.
- Angrily, he hoisted himself fully up and out into cubicle four. He
- grabbed Susie's legs and began to tug, battling for her with the Bog
- Monster.
- She was screaming like mad, and this made Sam fight harder. The
- toilet-creature was weak; all it seemed to have a grip on was Susie's
- skirt and before long, the fabric of it began to rip apart.
- Suddenly, she came free and crashed into Sam like a bundle of sticks.
- Her hair engulfed his face, but he whisked it away in time to see an
- enormous green hand blast out of the toilet like a five-headed serpent.
- It groped at the walls blindly with it's webbed fingers, splattering
- sticky clumps of faeces and urine across the cubicle.
- Sam staggered to his feet and pressed his back against the door. The
- huge rubbery hand snaked around a moment longer, then sloshed back down
- the bog. There was a revolting bubbly gurgle and a deep, droning sound
- that noticably resembled a constipated moan.
- The chain pulled itself and the toilet flushed.
- Susie was crying loudly in Sam's arms. She weighed an absolute tonne,
- but he didn't mind that. He was actually HOLDING her, which, to Sam,
- was enough of a reward for his brave rescue.
- He held her back from his body and said, "Are you okay?"
- She didn't answer, just wrapped her arms around his neck and continued
- to bawl.
- Sam looked at the messed up toilet in front of him and frowned.
- "Hard lines!" he shouted to it giddily, "You can't hurt Susie without
- having to come through me first, you ugly ball of shit!"
- The lethal toilet inside cubicle four steamed as Sam got to his feet
- with Susie. It dripped and gurgled and hissed until the two kids were
- out of the room.
- Then, it exploded.